
- 77 -Risks & challenges•Mesopredatorrelease –Black rats?–Mongoose?•Island size•Human populationAssessing feasibility•Bomford& O’Brien 19951.Rate of removal > rate of increase at all population densities2.No immigration3.All reproductive animals must be at risk4.Animals can be detected at low densities5.Benefit : cost ratio is higher for eradication than for control6.Suitable sociopolitical environmentPossible challenges on Amami•Island size–More than twice as large as Marion Island•Topography•Legal and social issues–Safety–Social acceptability Alternatives to eradication•Containment •Sitebased control•Native prey refugia(e.g. Mauritius)Other species•Feral dogs: –Control?–Aversive conditioning?•Black rats–Site based control?•Mongoose–Simultaneous or sequential management?Slide 13Slide 15Slide 17Slide 14Slide 16Slide 18

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